
Medical Specialists



Patient Coordinators

Patient Support


Ancillary Personnel

Dr. Ηλίας Τσάκος MD, DFFP, FRCOG
Medical Director
Dr. Tsakos has been extensively trained and certified in the UK, with expertise in Obstetrics, Gynaecology, Reproductive Medicine & Surgery and Minimally Invasive Gynaecological Surgery.
Dr. Κανελίνα Μπίμπα MD, PhD, FEBS
CEO, EmbryoClinic IVF
Dr. Bimpa is a certified Breast Specialist and Surgeon, trained in adherence with the highest European standards. She offers a plethora of medical services to fertility patients and also serves as EmbryoClinic’s CEO.
Dr. Αθανάσιος Τολίκας MD, PhD
Obstetrician – Gynaecologist
Dr. Tolikas is an extensively trained and highly experienced Obstetrician and Gynaecologist with significant scientific contributions and experience in the field of Assisted Reproduction.
Dr. Νίκος Τσάγιας MD, MSc, PhD
Obstetrician – Gynaecologist
Dr. Tsagias is a very well trained Obstetrician, Gynaecologist, an experienced Reproductive Specialist and Gynaecological Surgeon, with many notable scientific and academic works.
Dr. Στέβη Παπαδέα MD, MSc

Dr. Stevi Papadea MD, MSc

Obstetrician – Gynaecologist
Dr. Papadea is a trained and certified Obstetrician – Gynaecologist with special interest in the field of Assisted Reproduction.
Dr. Στέφανι Φίλιου MD, MSc, PhDc

Dr. Stefani Filiou MD, MSc, PhDc

Obstetrician – Gynaecologist
Dr. Filiou is a trained and certified Obstetrician and Gynaecologist and experienced in the field of Reproductive Medicine.
Dr. Μάνος Ξυδιάς MD, MSc

Dr. Manos Xydias MD, MSc

Research Fellow
Dr. Xydias has had a short but prolific scientific research career and oversees many of EmbryoClinic’s research activities, educational events and information material.
Δρ. Λία Κασάπη PhD, MSc
Embryology Lab Director
Dr. Kasapi is a Senior Clinical Embryologist with extensive training, certifications and years of experience in IVF labs and is currently serving as EmbryoClinic’s Lab Director.
Τζίλντα Χασσίδη BSc, MRes, MSc
Senior Clinical Embryologist
Mrs. Hassidis is an extensively trained and certified Senior Clinical Embryologist, with many years of experience and expertise.
Κωνσταντίνα Παππά BSc, MScR, MSc
Clinical Embryologist
Mrs. Pappa is a well-trained and experienced Clinical Embryologist and holder of multiple distinctions and certifications including ESHRE’s Clinical Embryology Certification.
David Gibbon

David Gibbon

Associate Embryologist
Mr. Gibbon is a world-renowned Senior Clinical Embryologist who designed EmbryoClinic’s Laboratory and is currently our Embryology Consultant.
Δάφνη Μαυροπούλου

Dafni Mavropoulou

Senior Midwife
Νικόλ Καρούτα

Nicol Karouta

Senior Fertility Midwife
Έλλη Χατζή

Elli Chantzi

Senior Fertility Midwife
Μαρούλα Κοτσαλίδου

Maroula Kotsalidou

Fertility Midwife
Σοφία Κατραντζή

Sofia Katrantzi

Fertility Midwife
Ιωάννα Καραθανάση

Ioanna Karathanassi

Fertility Midwife
Δέσποινα Καραγιαννίδου

Despina Karagiannidou

Fertility Midwife
Αγάπη Σαγκάλη

Agapi Sagali

Κατερίνα Culafic-Καψάλη

Katerina Culafic-Kapsali

Patient Coordinator – Balkan Department
Jovana Sakic

Jovana Sakic

Patient Coordinator – Balkan Department
Δέσποινα Τσιάμη

Despina Tsiami

Patient Coordinator – International Department
Νικολέτα Παιδοκούκη

Nikoleta Paidokouki

Patient Coordinator – International Department
Stefana Jevtic

Stefana Jevtic

Patient Coordinator – Balkan Department
Tamara Jankovic

Tamara Jankovic

Patient Coordinator – Balkan Department
Ηλέκτρα Μπαλούτογλου

Electra Baloutoglou

Secretarial support
Κατερίνα Αμβροσιάδου

Katerina Amvrosiadou

Secretarial support
Λίλα Κεραμυδά

Lila Keramyda

Secretarial support
Νατάσα Ζιώκου

Natasha Ziokou

Secretarial support
Κωνσταντίνα Κάκου

Konstantina Kakou

Accountant – Finance Department
Εντλίρα Γκέγκα

Edlira Gega

Σίμος Παπαδόπουλος

Simos Papadopoulos

Transport & logistics officer