The basics
Advanced options
Fertility preservation
Gestational Surrogacy

Gestational Surrogacy constitutes the most advanced fertility programme offered by EmbryoClinic. It involves the transfer and implantation of an embryo to the uterus of the gestational surrogate, a woman with no biological connection to the embryo. The surrogate then carries and delivers the baby, which is then, by law, returned to its biological parents. In some cases, surrogacy may be combined with oocyte donation and or sperm/embryo donation.
In Greece, gestational surrogacy is applied altruistically, meaning that it is a service is not available for anyone to purchase, but only if certain medical indications apply, with a compensatory amount paid to the surrogate mother. Such indications may include:
- Absence of functional uterus, either congenital (MRKH Syndrome) or acquired (hysterectomy).
- Uterus with severe anatomical abnormalities (congenital uterine malformations, hypoplasia, extensive Asherman’s Syndrome etc), which is irreparable or treatment attempts have been unsuccessful or contraindicated. It is vital that prior to enrolling in the surrogacy programme, the option of fertility surgery is thoroughly explored.
- Chronic conditions (autoimmune, metabolic, neurological etc) outside the reproductive system that may lead to high-risk pregnancy, or constitute contraindications for pregnancy.
- History of life threatening maternal complications from previous pregnancy that have an increased risk of recurrence, such as early severe pre-eclampsia, eclampsia, HELLP Syndrome, intravenous thrombosis and/or pulmonary embolism etc.
- Recurrent implantation failure and/or miscarriage which are not attributable to other factors, such as poor blastocyst quality. Individualized assessment is required for such cases and prior to gestational surrogacy, the simpler option of PRP infusion should be considered.
Women considered for the role of gestational surrogate must fulfil specific criteria:
- They must be from 25 to 45 years of age.
- They must have proof of proper reproductive function, i.e. have a family of their own.
- If they are married, they must have their husbands consent in written form.
- They must be of a good general health condition during initial assessment.
- They must be a permanent resident of Greece.
- They must be biologically unrelated to the implanted embryo.
- They must be willing to enter into a legally binding agreement with the intended parents and fully abide by its terms.
Greek legislation mandates that a court decision on custody rights of the child to be born through gestational surrogacy is issued prior to the beginning of any ART treatment. This prerequisite protects both parties legally and ensure the best outcome for both. From the moment the baby is born, the surrogate mother holds no legal rights over it.
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